Tech-box Tech-box

Best-of-Breed Technologies

Best-of-Breed Technologies

Never use a wrench to hammer in a nail!

We wield the right tech for the problem at hand. Our 'tech-box' comprises programming languages, frameworks, libraries, tools, and techniques.

In-Depth Knowledge

We never employ tech until our knowledge is sufficiently comprehensive to use it as intended. We are against a 'hacker' mentality that abuses tech resulting in unmaintable software. Never use a wrench to hammer in a nail!

TrueBit has developed in-house coding standards for many languages and libraries. And we provide professional training.


Often, a customer requirement can be realized in different ways through different tech. There are enough options in our repertoire to make an informed choice, based on many factors.

Through architecting tech stacks and designing APIs (interfaces), we can layer best-of-breed tech into a complete system.

Professionally Mastered

Every item in our 'tech-box' has been practised professionally in our software projects.

These are not hobbiest skills learnt ad-hoc from online forums, but real expertise honed in the software engineering work-place, on projects paid for by demanding clients.

Always Open

Having worked with many tech over the years, we are nonetheless always open to adding new content to our tech-box. We keep abreast of the latest and greatest, and - once mature and relevant to our needs - we eagerly take it.

We regularly review and upgrade our toolsets, languages, libraries, and knowledge-base to keep ahead of the game.

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